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Collaborative Worlds for Author Owners and Collaborators: Guidance and Lessons Learned

Join Author-Owner Penny Reid and Author-Collaborators Cathy Yardley and Kilby Blades for a two-hour masterclass on the different models available to author world-owners and author world-collaborators. Presentations will be focused in two parts:

1. Perspective of Author-Owner Penny Reid: Review of goals and metrics for establishment of an author world; suggestions and tips for structure, soliciting participation, and publishing on retail platforms; overview of different models for world development and the pros / cons for each; communication and sharing of world details to ensure intraworld and interworld consistency, author-owner perspective; legal considerations to clearly set expectations and minimize administrative overhead.

2. Perspective of Author-Collaborators Cathy Yardley and Kilby Blades: Goals for the collaboration, defining goals and setting expectations; contract terms, marketing approach, world structure (canon or fanfic?); comparison and metrics for performance, measuring benefit (direct or halo); networking and making the most of the author-collaborator relationships; communication and sharing of world details to ensure interworld consistency, author-collaborator perspective; lessons learned and the path forward. 

Handouts provided:

  1. Decision matrix for author-owners to help determine which world model maximizes goal alignment for their Collaborative World

  2. Checklist of considerations and steps required to create a Collaborative World

  3. Guidance Q/A for prospective author-collaborators to help set expectations, goals, and communicate definition details of collaborative work

This workshop is being given exclusively through the RWA 2020 Virtual Conference. It will not be recorded. More information on registering for the conference is here.